Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New 2010 Apple iPod nano Review

Every year Apple revamps its iPod lineup. Usually the changes are aesthetic in nature; but every once-in-a-while Apple does surprise us by absolutely changing or revolutionizing a product. So is the dramatic change brought about to the new nano all it's hyped out to be or will this one be washed away? Let's find out!

Packaging and Content

As usual with all Apple products, there's not a square to spare as the device is very compactly packed. The nano sits on the top floor of a small transparent plastic box which contains the nano, manuals, an Apple logo sticker, earphones, and a USB cable.

First Impressions

The nano just looks amazing! Small, compact, square, nothing like its predecessor and at just 1.5-inches, the nano can easily be misplaced. There are only 3 physical buttons on the device namely the sleep/wake button and the volume controls. With the removal of the clickable wheel and implementation of a touch screen on such a small device, you'd expect the touch to be clumps, but no. The touch felt very smooth and responsive!

The addition of a shuffle like clip at the rare of the device too is handy as the device can be easily clipped onto a wrist band, shirt, belt, you name it! At 1st glance you will notice that the device neither has a camera nor video playback capabilities unlike its previous iteration.


Setting up any iPod can be easy or irritating depending on how comfortable you are with iTunes. There is no drag and drop option like the countless otherMP3 players available and a major disadvantage being that your iPod can only be synced to just one machine.

Apart from that the setup is pretty straight forward. Download and install iTunes on your PC or MAC, import all your music and photos to it, connect your iPod and hit sync. Walla! You're all set to rock and roll!


The performance of the iPod nano is impeccable. For starters the touch is very responsive. 4 icons display on each page (swipe your finger on the device to go to the next page). You can customize the various pages by moving the icons around and of course change the background wall paper to your preference.

On the music front the nano's performance is very good. The battery life clocks in at around 20 hours of playback on a full charge. On the down side the earphones provided with the device are absolutely horrible. Whenever I shook my head left or right they just fell out. Apple if you're listening please change them!

The performance of the touch too not only felt cooler but easier to use as compared to the clickable wheel on the previous generation nano; although it is frustrating that you have to look at the device each time you want to skip a track as opposed to the clickable wheel where changing a track is just a click away.

The lack of a camera or video playback is not missed as the device is really too small for it. Photos do look good on the device but on a 1.5 inch screen, it is a strain to the eyes.

The device does possess a really cool feature. Put on the clock app and clip the device on your wrist and you have a cool watch that can play music. (Warning: it may look quite dorky)!


All-in-all the nano is one of the coolest MP3 players out there and a must have for anyone who want to be the envy of their friends. But if you are the kind of person who is looking at value for money or is not an Apple fan boy; then for a price point of Rs 10700 or Rs 12700 (for the 8GBG and 16GB model respectively), you may want to consider your options such as the Sony Video Walkman NWZ-A845 16GB MP3, MP4 Player (price approx Rs 12000), Apple iPod Touch 8GB-3rd Gen (price approx Rs 12000), Cowon J3 4GB MP3 player (price approx Rs 10750),

Price- Rs 10700 for the 8GB variant and Rs 12700 for the 16GB variant


Cool multi touch interface
Really small and compact, perfect for the gym
Great music playback


No option to change tracks without looking at the screen.
Small enough to get easily misplaced.


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