Wednesday, January 12, 2011

3G CDMA enabled Apple iPad is on the horizon for Verizon?

3G CDMA enabled Apple iPad is on the horizon for Verizon?Since Apple and Verizon are skipping into the sunset hand in hand tonight, the fledgling relationship they have now seems to be going in all directions.

This time around, it sounds that there is some additional good news in Verizon's future as an Apple iPad with on-board 3G CDMA data support is potentially on pace to hit in the near future. Although no official date was given on when we'll see it, the information comes from a Bloomberg Businessweek interview with Verizon Communications CFO Francis Shammo.

Now it's rather difficult to say whether or not Shammo was referring to the original GSM/UMTS iPad being swapped with CDMA radios, or simply, a future unannounced model of the Apple iPad. Nevertheless, you know that these two companies will be working closely with one another now that all previous barriers between them have been broken down – so don't be surprised by anything at this point.


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